
Congratulations on the successful production of Xiongjin machinery high-speed flying shear production line!

  • Category:Company News
  • Author:XJJX
  • From:en.xiongjinjixie.com
  • Time:2013-04-18 11:08:15
  • Hits:

【概要描述】The high-speed flying shear of Xiongjin machinery is an upgraded version of the cross cutting machine With its high speed of cutting more than 150 pieces of short material per minute and the fastest line speed of 100M per min

Congratulations on the successful production of Xiongjin machinery high-speed flying shear production line!

【概要描述】The high-speed flying shear of Xiongjin machinery is an upgraded version of the cross cutting machine With its high speed of cutting more than 150 pieces of short material per minute and the fastest line speed of 100M per min

  • Category:Company News
  • Author:XJJX
  • From:en.xiongjinjixie.com
  • Time:2013-04-18 11:08:15
  • Hits:

Congratulations on the successful production of Xiongjin machinery high-speed flying shear production line!

The high-speed flying shear of Xiongjin machinery is an upgraded version of the cross cutting machine. With its high speed of cutting more than 150 pieces of short material per minute and the fastest line speed of 100M / min, it is called the king of short material cutting in the industry. Xiongjinfei shear is happy to set sail and take off again.



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